10 Jun 2024

Zoe’s Place provide hospice care for babies and young children across Coventry, Liverpool and Middlesbrough. A grant of £90,000 over three years, started in 2022 has helped to fund nurses’ salaries at their Liverpool Hospice offering care to 141 babies and their families each year.

Rachel Harrison said:

“St. James's Place Charitable Foundation has been hugely helpful in contributing to the cost of a nursing salary towards our Liverpool hospice. Our nurses and Healthcare Assistants are at the core of our work, and they work very hard to make sure that our hospice feels like a home away from home for babies who spend much of their young lives in hospital.

The funding from the St. James's Place Charitable Foundation has helped us to support over 70 children throughout a 12 month period, and our nurses have facilitated our babies to engage in hydrotherapy, play therapy, and animal therapy, among others. Our nurses have also helped to support our families through respite care, provided a shoulder to lean on, and have signposted families towards our holistic therapies, counselling, and Sibling Days.

With the majority of our funding coming from charitable sources and expenses for hospices across the country rising, this grant has been hugely impactful in allowing us to continue to provide this care for our families and babies.”

To learn more about the important work at Zoe’s Place, watch the video below:
